The primary deliverable of each assessment is a report,
which will include evaluations of organizational
cybersecurity fundamentals and safeguards, actionable
recommendations, and explanations thereof. The
recommendations will emphasize individual local
government’s cybersecurity strategies, with a particular
focus on short-term priorities.
From assessment kickoff to report delivery, the whole
process takes about 7 weeks to complete, and requires
roughly 6-8 hours of effort from your organization.
To get to the finish line, your organization will engage
in a short kickoff meeting with the Cybertrack Team,
provide written responses to a small set of questions, and
participate in a 2-hour fact-finding session where your
assigned assessment team will interview key personnel.
The assessment requires engagement from personnel
responsible for the local government entity’s technologies,
including information technology as well as operational
technology (e.g., security cameras, badge access control
systems) where relevant.
Get Started